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Value rendering components

Contember Interface provides a number of high-level components that you can use to easily render field values, as well as low-level components that you can use to create custom field rendering solutions.


The Field component is the most basic field rendering component in Contember Interface. It is used to display the value of a single field from your data model.

To use the Field component, you must specify the name of the field you want to display using the field prop. You can also use the format prop to specify a callback function for custom value formatting. The `format prop is passed the field value as an argument, and you can return a formatted version of the value from the callback.

Here is an example of how to use the Field component to display the value of a "title" field:

<Field field="title" />

And here is an example of how to use the format prop to apply custom formatting to the field value:

<Field field="price" format={val => `${val} EUR`}/>

You can also use dot notation to traverse through has-one relations and display related fields. For example, to display the "name" field of a related "category" entity, you can use the following syntax:

<Field field="" />

This is equivalent to using the Field component within a HasOne component:

<HasOne field="category">
<Field field="name" />


Another component you can use to render field values is the FieldView component. You can specify the field name using the field prop, or use the fields prop to specify an array of field names. You must also provide a render prop, which is a callback that receives one or more FieldAccessor objects as arguments (depending on the number of fields specified). The value of the field is available on the value property of the FieldAccessor object.

Example of FieldView for a single field:

render={(field) => (
<dt>Contact name:</dt>

Example of FieldView with multiple fields

fields={['phoneNumberPrefix', 'phoneNumber']}
render={(phoneNumberPrefix, phoneNumber) => (


The EntityView component is a powerful tool for rendering the values of a single entity. To use the EntityView component, you must provide a render prop, which is a callback function that receives an EntityAccessor object as an argument. The EntityAccessor object provides methods for accessing fields and entities in an entity tree using methods like getField, getEntity or getEntityList.

You can also use the field prop to specify a relationship to another entity, in which case the EntityAccessor object will provide access to the related entity.

Here is an example of how to use the EntityView component to render the values of an entity:

Example how to use EntityView

render={(entity) => (
<dd>{entity.getField('title').value.substring(0, 20)}...</dd>
<dd>{Math.round(entity.getField('price').value)} EUR</dd>
render={(category) => (
<dd>{category.getField('name').value ?? 'undefined category'}</dd>